Band Sound Engineer in Kent
Hire a Band Sound Engineer or Sound Man for your band or live music event in Kent or London. Our Engineers have heaps of experience at various levels of the industry. Wether it’s a Touring Engineer you need to specialise in a single band’s sound or a sound engineer for multiple bands at a festival or venue, we can help.
We’ve racked up decades of experience dealing with bands, in fact, many of our engineers are also experienced musicians who understand life on both ends of the cable. It is our firm belief that a good understanding of how music works is essential for a top notch sound engineer. The technology must be well understood but used as a tool, not the arbiter of what makes a good sound.
A Band Sound Engineer differs from say a Theater Production Engineer or a Studio Mix Engineer but there are many skills that cross over. The often hectic and time pushed nature of live music gigs means that Band Engineers develop a ‘think on your feet’ mentality and are able to cope well under pressure. They must be paying attention to the band and giving them what they need to perform well whilst also keeping an eye on how the audience are reacting to the situation and attempting to draw them in.
Have a look below for a few pictures from different events over the last decade or so. Check our Facebook feed for more photos relating to Band Sound Engineer.
Taken at the beautiful Livestock event in Kent a number of years ago.
Above photo taken during the build of the first ATOMIC festival….the Yamaha M7Cl desk, to be operated by the hugely talented Paul Mardell.
The back of Ben Peilow, a fantastic and sought after Band Sound Engineer. Taken at Swanley Folk Festival in 2018.
The Blockheads in Stevenage, taken by Nathan Hayward in monitor world back in 2009. A great night with FOH mixed by Audiocrew proprietor Neil Sullivan.